$385 per month includes the following:
-12' x minimum 28' pipe stall with shelter over part
-Hay - 2 leaves per day, 1 leaf of 2 different types of hay - choose from alfafa or grass, fed twice per day. If your horse needs more hay you can pay an additional fee depending on how much more hay you want.
-Turn out time each day in irrigated pasture at least 6 days per week (typically all 7) - minimum of 2 hours per day, however once your horse gets along with a small group it will either go out all day or overnight.
-Daily stall cleaning by our staff (once per day at least 6 days per week)
-Use of our facilities - including main arena 135' x 260' with nearly half covered, round pen, 2 1/2 acre obstacle riding area, and short trail around property. (Parts of the Main arena and obstacle area are at times unavailable for use.)
-If your horse needs pelleted feed or supplements we charge a small fee per month to feed your horse daily. You can supply your own or reimburse Shady Lawn for Stable Mix pellets by Elk Grove Milling
Email Jane if interested or have questions: jane@shadylawnranch.com
Requirements to move your horse in:
-First months board: $370 per horse
-Security Deposit: $100 per horse
-Sign a Boarding Agreement
-Have a Release Form signed for all possible riders and/or handlers of the horse(s)
-Horse vaccinations up to date
If your horse needs pelleted feed, we keep Elk Grove Stable Mix on hand. For an additional fee (depending on amount fed) we can add it to your horses feed ration.
If you want your horse to get daily supplements, you can put the daily amount in sealed baggies stored in an enclosed container. We charge $5 per month to pour the feed in your horses trough or bucket 1 each day. It is up to you to make sure your supplements are not running low.
If you want to park your horse trailer at Shady Lawn, it is $20 per month per trailer. We are not responsible for the trailer or anything in it.